

このページは 佐藤栄作論文集9~16 の電子ブックに掲載されている385ページの概要です。


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第12回佳作Group on Policy which focuses on country-level coordination and related issues maybe ideal for this role. The country strategy note in which a resident coordinatorsystem ensures that“operational capacities of the Organization are totally supportiveof national objectives and fully utilized to build national capacity”may also beintegrated in this review mechanism. 23The organization should not strive to justcopy the TPRM, but refine, enhaunce and adapt such a mechanism to best suit theorganizations’purpose.The UN Outline Form and“UN Defined Adjustment”“While prioritization and coordination are necessary considerations for allorganizations and institutions, these requirements are especially vital to the effectiveworking of an organization that is as diverse in its composition and as broad in itsmandate as is the United Nations.”24Naturally,“Development priorities or modelscannot be imposed by the international community upon particular peoples.”25Justas some individuals are uncomfortable with definitions of individual well-being inthe individual outline form, some member nations are likely to be wary to embrace“prescriptions”for UN defined adjustment. In order to ensure that a potential UNReview Mechanism(herein UNRM)does not serve as a basis for the enforcementof specific obligations or impose new commitments on member states, the OutlineForm would have to stay within the realm of multilateral agreements embraced byits members. The content, speed and desirability of“UN Adjustment”should remainmuch in the hand of the UN members through the General Assembly under a specialcommittee which may revise the form as they see fit. Keeping the review processnon-binding would further ensure that“development priorities or models”would notbe imposed.An institutional review mechanism?which might be further improved and refined23 An Agenda for Development,: 72.24 Ibid.25 Ibid.383