

このページは 佐藤栄作論文集9~16 の電子ブックに掲載されている369ページの概要です。


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第12回佳作“The UN and Crisis Management: Reflections on theIndividual, Organizational Design and the StrategicObjectives of the United Nations”Reflections on the IndividualAll knowledge stems from a foundation. Economics, politics, ideologies, socialbehavior and national policies all stem from certain assumptions that people makeabout the behavior of individuals. For example, the economic(or money maximizing)model of man depicts the individual as a pure money-income maximizer. If, however,the very assumptions about the individual underlying economics are incomplete,then economics may be flawed as an accurate predictor of human behavior. In thesame vein, it may be interesting to ask what are the foundations of internationalcrisis management? Do they make sense on the individual level? Can insights fromindividual crisis bring clarity and purpose to the UN’s role as a crisis manager inpreventive diplomacy, peacekeeping and peacemaking?At a time when some economists, like recent Nobel laureate Gary Beckerand others, have applied economic models of the individual to explain areas ofdiscrimination, crime and marriage ? it may not be a giant leap for crisis managersto start asking what models or insights from the individual can lead to better crisismanagement?What better place is there to begin an inquiry into“knowing oneself”and one’senemy then to depart from insights on humankind.Nathalie Leiko IshizukaBoutros Boutros-Ghali statement in An Agenda for Development that,“A newagenda for development must be centered primarily on people”1should be1 Boutros Boutros-Ghali, An Agenda for Development, 1995; 124.367