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第11回努力賞“PROMULGATION of UNIVERSAL PEACE in the21st CENTURY: A Mandate for Reformation of theUnited Nations”Noah Todd McLainAbstractOctober 24, 1995 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the United Nations. At the halfcentury mark, many have called for a metamorphose in the composition, organization,and operation of the United Nations. As an instrument and tool of humankind’sendeavors to achieve a lasting universal peace and prosperity for the world’sinhabitants, the United Nations might be, as it currently exists, considered antiquated.At the very least, the United Nations’ability to anticipate, measure, diagnose, andadminister to world problematic disputes, conflicts, and wars is limited.Presently, the United Nations is absorbed in more than fifteen continuingpeacekeeping operations which span the globe. These efforts involve approximately80,000 troops and require billions of dollars to sustain. They also require massivesupport from regional, voluntary, and non-governmental organizations. And yet only afew years ago, the entire number of peacekeeping operations engaged by the UnitedNations, since its inception, numbered only a handful. This situation is a considerablepredicament for the United Nations because it doesn’t even have its own standingarmed forces. It relies on its member states to provide men and equipment.Furthermore, peacekeeping operations accounts for only approximately 30% ofUnited Nations’proceedings. Its primary efforts concern the economic and socialdevelopment of planet earth’s citizens. After penetrating its exterior shell, it would287