

このページは 佐藤栄作論文集9~16 の電子ブックに掲載されている164ページの概要です。


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these efforts, rather they should foster better relations and find ways to integratethese independent and semi-independent efforts on a global scale. The WashingtonDC-based World Bank and International Monetary Fund(IMF)institutions shouldbe approached and attempts should be made to integrate and harmonize activitiessuch that global integration is more likely to occur. This should include capitalistic,communist, and socialist economies. The UN should try to harness the best of theworld’s economies and attempt to instill these practices within all economies. Justas the European Community is gradually attempting to create one, regionally basedmonetary system, so should the United Nations become the standard bearer for asingle, global monetary system. If economic integration can be achieved, the violentovertures between today’s nations will be reduced, if not eliminated. There is noway that this essay can attempt to do justice to this topic. However, it hopefullyhas illustrated that visionary efforts of economic solidarity might lead to effectiveintermediate results.Ⅹ.ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUESThe final axiom to be considered in this essay is the environment. As has beenillustrated, the environment is a global issue. Solutions to these problems requireunified cooperation. The United Nations has already played a part in raising thelevel of attention to environment. It should continue to do so. The United NationsEnvironment Program(UNEP), World Resources Institute(WRI)and the WorldConservation Union(IUCN)cooperated and co-authored a book entitled“GlobalBiodiversity Strategy”. This book supported the work that resulted in the BiodiversityConvention that was held last summer. This convention was attended by over ahundred nations and organizations concerned with protecting the fragile eco-system162