

このページは 佐藤栄作論文集9~16 の電子ブックに掲載されている163ページの概要です。


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第10回優秀賞cooperation and harmonization. Technology could be the foundation for equalizingdisparate communities and regions. It is not hard to imagine a world where everyonehas pocket translators. The UN should be considered a good source and testbedfor proofing out some of these new technologies-especially communicationsrelated technologies. The next century will be dominated by information accessand manipulation. The UN should attempt to harness this technology for promotingworld-wide cooperation. Special efforts should be made to eliminate communicationsbarriers brought about by different languages and cultures. The UN should also fosterand promote its diplomatic capabilities. It should hone its diplomatic skills and try tobecome the premier global negotiation body. These skills are crucial to the promotionof global cooperation and integration.Ⅸ.TRANSCENDING ECONOMIC DISPARITY THROUGH GLOBALINTEGRATIONTightly intertwined with the previous competency, achieving economic equalitythroughout the world is a necessary condition if global cooperation is to beachieved. The only other alternative is to forgo humanity and allow those regionsand populations that are not fit enough to survive to slowly, and painfully, becomeextinct. Hopefully human consciousness will not allow this to happen. The alternativetherefore is to bring those regions that are economically disadvantaged to a level onpar with other nations. The UN must forge the leadership necessary to accomplishthis directive.There exists today many efforts underway to promote the freer exchange of goods,merchandise, and services. The current Uruguay round of the General Agreement onTariffs and Trade(GATT)is one example. The UN should not attempt to take over161