

このページは 佐藤栄作論文集9~16 の電子ブックに掲載されている136ページの概要です。


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uniqueness has to be clarified. This mediation does not call for high-caliber diplomaticnegotiations; on contrary, as the symptom is usually caught in its preliminarystage ? tension in a local community ? the Special CPR is expected also to visit thetroublesome community and provide mediation between the parties involved onthe spot. If sending a representative directly designated by the U.N. is judged toosensitive for the delicate situation, the U.N. could commission the responsibility to anappropriate NGO, 12the NGO, in turn, could nominate its own qualified representative(or representatives if necessary)for the purpose of on-spot mediation. In sum, theSpecial CPR functions as a neutral community arbitrator of disputes as the outreachof the Security Council.2.Correcting the U.N.’s top-heavy staffingThe flow of information and decisions can be further improved by restructuringthe U.N. system, as it is extremely top-heavy at present. The U.N.’s present staffingstructure is likely to produce the following two disabling consequences particularlydetrimental to the establishment of the early-warning network. First, the workof early-warning/preventive mechanism is intrinsically field-oriented and“labourintensive”.Therefore, the current top-heavy staffing of the U.N. system wouldcertainly impede effectiveness of the early-warning network. would be renderedinefficient and ineffective. Second, the lopsided staffing, if it continues, will certainlydeprive the U.N. of already restrained financial resources thus making it impossiblefor the preventive work of the organisation to be effective and reliable. These pointsstrongly suggest that the U.N. structure, in particular, its unbalanced staffing have tobe corrected without delay.The introduction of the Permanent and Special CPRs serve as the connection forthe missing link between the Security Council and the field. Furthermore, the early-13412 In fact NGOs dedicated specifically to early-warning and conflict mediation have been active recently. Especiallynotable are the work of the International Alert and International Negotiation Network(Carter Center). Theexperience and expertise of these organisations should be effectively utilised for the purpose of neutral mediation.