

このページは 佐藤栄作論文集9~16 の電子ブックに掲載されている130ページの概要です。


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containment of localised conflicts. The mechanism ? Localised Conflict PreventionMechanism or LCPM ? consists of five major components: network-building,streamlining the U.N. system, confidence-building, establishing Quick Response Unitsthrough regional arrangements and creating a normative framework. 7Ⅰ.Network-BuildingThe conflict does not break out all of sudden. It develops from a small tension.Hence, if the tension is detected and contained at the incipient stage, escalation into afull-blown conflict may well be prevented. How could symptoms be detected and whowould be in the position to do so?It is important, first of all, to acknowledge that neither U.N. policy-makers in NewYork or in Geneva would be in the position to detect the first symptoms of a conflict.Symptoms take on various forms including tightening police surveillance, harassments,ethnic tensions within a community, unusual movement of people, higher prices ofnecessary commodities or even rumours. It is the people on the spot who are sensitiveto any slight change and development of tensions. They reside in would-be troubledareas, see the situation and interact with local people. Thus, people in the field serveas eyes and ears for the Policy-makers in New York and Geneva. If the people onthe spot, within a specific geographic area, are organised into a coherent network,a sensitive early-warning system can be established. In order for the network to beeffective and comprehensive, personnel in the field from the following four entitiesshould be included: the United Nations, international non-governmental organisations(international NGOs), local non-governmental organisations(local NGOs)and localgovernments(municipal/town/village level).1287 Of course, one cannot overlook the socio-economic aspect towards achieving real peace. For the role of the socioeconomicfactors in creating peace,アレキサンダー・キング/ベルトラン・シュナイダー共著,田草川弘訳『第一次地球革命』(朝日新聞社、1992年)andブトロス・ブトロス・ガーリ『平和への課題』(国際連合広報センター、1992年)序文、28-29項。